Wholesale tomato paste supplier:
Tomato is a product with many properties and is cultivated in different types in the country, and the paste is produced with the best quality and in different packages, different types of paste can be bought online.
Today, tomatoes are used to produce a variety of food products, and the best paste is obtained from this agricultural product, which is often used to flavor food. Tomato paste is a product with high nutritional value and is produced in both traditional and industrial methods in factories and can be purchased in various packages and online at the daily rate from reputable sites.
How to Send a Sample of Tomato Paste to the Importers?
Exports of tomato paste depend on the amount of Brix produced between 20 and 35 in different parts of the world. The higher the brix of the product, the more solid and liquid the diluted solution is and the dependence on the sugar content of the product. Tomato paste is exported in weights weighing 270 to 800 grams. Of course, larger packages are also exported for repackaging. The marketing of export tomato paste is focused on a target community consisting of small retailers and chain stores in developed and developing countries around the world.
Many manufacturing companies around the world have focused their marketing strategy on digital marketing. Online sales show a 15 percent increase over traditional sales each year. This figure shows that many business owners are thinking about using their digital marketing capabilities. For more information, see The Effect of Digital Marketing on Exports.
You can use digital and traditional marketing to market and sell your product using the services of advertising companies at the same time.
Which Incoterm Is Preferred for Trading Tomato Paste?
Every business is made up of threats and opportunities.
In the field of tomato paste export, the most important threat is the lack of access to the destination country.
Closing the border depends on many factors. Which can upset the mental equations of traders, sometimes domestic decisions in Iran that prohibit the export of items. And sometimes the obstacles created by the importing country, as well as the political conflicts between countries and issues such as the spread of the coronavirus are among the most common reasons for the closure of the border.
But the ban will always be temporary.
What kind of rabbi wants more?
Concentration or brix of tomato paste is the main factor determining the price of the product. In this regard, you should choose the concentration of paste according to the price and the target community in the country. In Iran, tomato paste usually has a concentration of 26 to 30%
Rich Supply Source of Organic Tomato Paste in the Middle East
The market for buying organic tomato paste in Iran is relatively good. Most people are looking for their health and preparing natural and organic products. To grow organic products, everything must be in natural agriculture. This means that not only no pesticides or chemical fertilizers should be used during planting, growing and harvesting, but also the following compounds should not be used:
Herring flavoring preservative Other chemicals
Used in the composition of these products. These products do not contain any abnormal substances and harmful to the body, including heavy metals, synthetic chemicals and can be consumed safely, so it is also very suitable for vegans.
With these interpretations, the cultivation and consumption of organic products, in addition to having a positive effect on human health, is also beneficial to the environment and helps the survival of the earth.Tomato paste is one of those products that have been mass-produced naturally and organically today. Today, we face all kinds of diseases, all of which are caused by unhealthy and chemical products. Hence, most people are looking for natural products. In Iran, the market for buying a variety of organic products, of which tomato paste is one of the choices, is more visible.
It is hoped that in the not too distant future all manufacturers will produce and supply their products honestly and organically.
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