Exportation of Bilk Priced Tomato Paste in Massive Tonnage

tomato paste price per ton



Export destinations should always be weighed in a relative way so that a country can have advantages and disadvantages for exports. The first is the distance dimension, in which all neighboring countries can be a good destination. In the next stage, we have to consider the amount of domestic production of that country, for example, among the neighboring countries, Turkey is one of the leaders in the field of food industry, but Iraq is currently facing a shortage of industrial production. On the other hand, the purchasing power of the people in that country should also be examined, for example, Pakistan and Afghanistan are also attractive destinations for exports, but due to the financial situation of households in these countries are lower than in Iraq.

Export of tomato paste to Iraq

What documents are required for export?

A businessman who intends to trade with other countries must apply for a business card. On the other hand, the products also need a standard certificate and health license, which all Ata products have.

How to deal with Iraq

Due to banking problems in Iran, receiving cash in cash is currently the most common method of trading.

But some traders who are also active in other fields receive digital goods from the Iraqi person.

In general, most people deal with cash dollars.

Exportation of Bilk Priced Tomato Paste in Massive Tonnage

How Much Is the Approximate Income of Tomato Paste’s Wholesalers?

How Much Is the Approximate Income of Tomato Paste’s Wholesalers? ترجمه عبارت :

Before defining the profit of tomato paste production, we need to get acquainted with a parameter called Brix. Brix is ​​a parameter used to measure the amount of solids in tomato solution and tomato paste. Simply put, all soluble solids (except salt) in tomato paste as well as in tomatoes are called brix. Tomato brix for most cultivars in Iran is between 3 and 7. This index should reach 25 to 28 for a standard food paste. By recognizing the brix, the profit of producing tomato paste will simply be the added value that results from increasing the brix of the tomato paste product during the tomato cooking process.

Tomato paste production line

Tomato paste production line

In the following, we will calculate these calculations in more detail for a tomato paste factory with an input capacity of 40 tons of tomatoes per day:

40 tons of tomatoes entering the factory

Assuming that 40 tons of raw tomatoes enter the factory daily, it can be assumed that approximately half of this amount, equivalent to 20 tons, will be converted into refined tomato juice by devices such as crushers, turbos and filters. Tomato juice brix will normally be 9.

20 tons of tomato juice with brix 9

It can be calculated by doing a simple fit

Why Logistics Service of Asian Countries Is Better for Trading Tomato Paste?

Why Logistics Service of Asian Countries Is Better for Trading Tomato Paste? ترجمه عبارت :

Tejarat News wrote: The export of tomatoes this year is reported to be $ 9.3 billion. Compared to 2017, the export of this product has increased by two percent.

Tomato exports in 2018 amounted to about $ 9.2 billion, and overall reports show that the value of tomato exports compared to 2014, decreased by about 0.7 percent.

In 2018, Europe accounted for about 46.1 percent (equivalent to $ 4.3 billion) of total tomato exports. North America accounted for 32.4 percent of tomato exports and Asia for 11.9 percent.

Africa accounted for 8.8 percent, Latin America except Mexico for 0.6 percent and Oceania for 0.1 percent of tomato exports in 2018.

The table below shows the 15 major tomato exporting countries as well as their export volumes in 2018:

Bulk Distribution of Tomato Paste with the Shortest Delivery Time

Bulk Distribution of Tomato Paste with the Shortest Delivery Time ترجمه عبارت :

Canned Iran

Start of cooperation

Major player of tomato paste

In the past, tomato paste has been used to flavor many foods. This product is one of the best-selling products on the market. Producers put the pastes in suitable and hygienic packages after production and send them to major tomato paste distribution centers. These centers are trying to offer the best tomato paste to the market and provide it to customers at the most reasonable price.

What you read in this article:

Factory tomato paste distribution reference

Introducing the best Iranian tomato paste

Major distributor of tomato paste in Iran

Tomato paste buying guide

Major tomato paste distribution center

How to store tomato paste?

Major distribution of high quality tomato paste

Read more: Selling first-class factory tomato paste

Factory tomato paste distribution reference

In Iran, the factory distributor of factory tomato paste offers products in different packages made of metal, glass and plastic (polymer type). Each of these pastes can have the following weights:

Read more: High quality glass tomato paste factory

Tomato paste 400 g

Tomato paste 500 g

Tomato paste 900 g

Tomato paste 1.5 kg

Tomato paste 200 kg

Small packages are usually made of metal and glass, and the barrels are mostly made of polyethylene to maintain the quality of the product, and on the other hand, they have bricks above 36.

Read more: Major exporter of tomato paste distributor

All in all, the tomato paste distribution reference provides the product with the best quality to the consumer and also offers this popular condiment at reasonable prices. You can now make a general purchase by clicking on the link above.

Read more: Buy bulk first-class aseptic tomato paste

Canned tomato paste distribution centers

Read more: Glass Tomato Paste Production Center

Introducing the best Iranian tomato paste

The best Iranian tomato paste is produced in the best conditions by experts and using advanced equipment. The best type of meat and juicy tomatoes are used completely healthy and clean. After being transferred to the factory, the tomatoes enter the production line and are thoroughly washed. They are tested for all contaminants and engineers have full control over all stages of production. After dehydration, the tomatoes enter the heating phase and their excess water is taken at a completely standard temperature. Today, the best tomato paste has the best packaging and is known as a reputable brand in the domestic and foreign markets. These products are also exported to many neighboring countries and benefit from a thriving trade.

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